
The Tale Of BCF

It all began in a small 5,000 watt radio station in Fresno, California

Actually, it really began in Cedar Falls, IA, where I was born. I spent the first 23 years of my life in Cedar Falls. I did my best to steer clear of the typical Iowan stereotypes. (For example, I have no idea how to tip a cow, much less milk one). I started teaching myself to play piano when I was 7. I'd figure out how to play themes to my favorite Godzilla movies, Nintendo games or TV Shows (Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers was a real crowd pleaser), and the occasional Beach Boy or Simon & Garfunkel song.

Eventually, I started writing instrumental pieces, performing them at Sunday church services and variety shows. I even submitted a couple tunes to the Young Iowa Composers Forum, earning 2nd place statewide both times! I also studied percussion and voice in high school. Went to All-State for voice once. (The prestige choir, not the insurance firm.) Those were some good times.

Once I got to college, I decided to combine my myriad musical interests, and started writing songs with lyrics that I could sing, while playing piano or drums. (Not all at the same time. That doesn't really work. I have tried.) I'd play in coffee shops around town, occasionally supporting other artistic folk, while studying percussion at the University of Northern Iowa. When I moved to Minneapolis in 2004, to study record production at McNally Smith College of Music, I discovered a whole world of like-minded folk, fantastic musicians who shared a penchant for Ween songs and playing late night shows at dive bars for very little compensation.

I put a band together. Its lineup and tone are rather amorphous (and there were years I was effectively fronting two bands at the same time... not sure why I thought that was a good idea), but the most consistent members these days are Josh Kaplan on drums, Mike Drager on guitar and Andy Schuster on bass. Our mission is pure: We want to play great music - but just as importantly, we want you to have fun. If you walk away with a smile on your face, and a couple of my tunes stuck in your head, well sir we've done our job right.

I also do a lot of work as a side player. I regularly play with Mother Banjo, Haley E Rydell and Jaspar Lepak. Additionally, I have been known to sit in with Jon Rodine, Art Vandalay, Sarah Morris, Dan Gaarder and more. To me, balancing my time as a band leader and side guy are two sides of an incredibly gratifying coin. I get to work with a lot of wonderful musicians, and I get to play a lot of wonderful songs. Winner winner, lemon somethingorother.

What it all comes down to is, I love making music. It makes me feel alive, and it gives me so much joy. I am thrilled by any chance I get to share that joy with other people.